               Necessary supplies must be prepared to ensure survival in case of an earthquake. The following items should be ready in your survival kit:
               • Dried food is a must-have item for every household in the event of all emergencies – earthquakes included. A separate supply of dried food should also be prepared in easy-to-carry, emergency bags in case your residence is damaged.
               • Cooking utensils should be included in the same bag as dried food for the same reason
               • Water canteens should be kept in easy reach in case of evacuations
               • Clothes should be packed in the emergency bag for easy moving
               • Shoes that can protect your feet from debris
               • First-aid kit and various medicines must be kept in easy-to-reach storage in case of emergencies as well as speedy packing in an evacuation
               • Identification papers such as ID cards or house registration documents should be kept within reach in case of evacuations to confirm your identity with the authorities
               • Portable radio with backup batteries should be included in the emergency bag to provide a source of latest situation updates from the government.
               • Whistles should be kept both within reach and in the emergency bag to allow you to call for help in emergencies.
               • Flashlights and backup batteries should also be kept within reach and in the emergency bag.
               • Firefighting tools should be placed in easy reach to help put out fires that may break out after an earthquake.

           Recommended conduct in an earthquake
           Source: Center of Information for Preparation Against Natural Disasters (
           Before an earthquake
               • Keep flashlights, batteries and first-aid kits in the household, and keep others notified of your current whereabouts
               • Study first aid
               • Prepare firefighting tools – e.g. fire extinguishers or sandbags
               • Keep in mind the location of all water taps, gas valves and cutouts
               • Do not leave heavy items on high shelves as they can fall down during an earthquake
               • Tie heavy furniture or appliances down to the floor or wall
               • Arrange a rendezvous point for all family members in case you are separated
               • Ensure that your residence or office is built in accordance with seismic design standards

           During an earthquake
               • Do not panic. Keep calm. If you are inside, stay inside. If you are not, then stay outside. Most people injure themselves while trying to run out of or into their homes.
               • If you are inside, stand or crouch under the most sturdy parts of the building and stay clear of doors, balconies or windows
               • If you are in a tall building, quickly exit the building and stay away from things that may topple on you
               • If you are in a clearing or a wide-open area, keep your distance from electricity poles or things that are hung in the air
               • Do not use candles, matches, lighters or anything that can cause sparks or flames. They can turn gas leaks into deadly fires.
               • If you are driving, stop the vehicle and stay inside until the tremor passes.
               • Never use an elevator during an earthquake.
               • If you are on a beach, stay away from the waterfront as there is a possibility that large waves are incoming.

           After an earthquake
               • Check yourself and people around you for injuries. If any are found, perform first aid and head to a hospital or the nearest medical service center immediately.
               • If you are in a damaged building, leave immediately. An aftershock can topple the building and cause harm.
               • Wear shoes that protect your feet well from glass shards or other sharp objects on the ground
               • Check your electrical wiring, plumbing and gas. Turn off the gas valve in case of leakage, cut out all electricity and do not light a fire until you are certain that there is no leak. If there is one, open all doors and windows to let the gas out.
               • Stay clear of areas with dangling power lines or those that are within reach of these wires
               • Listen to the radio to catch good advice regarding the situation, but avoid using the phone unless absolutely necessary
               • Inspect the condition of pipes, plumbing and toiletry before use
               • Do not form a crowd or enter risky areas (e.g. ruins of a building)
               • Do not spread rumors