
Friends in Need (of “Pa”) - CU Center for Flood Relief has reached its full capacity

f cu pa eng          Friends in Need (of “Pa”) Center for Flood Relief Coordination and Donation Distribution at CU has reached its full capacity. Flood-affected people in need of temporary shelters can contact other flood relief centers such as Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University’s flood relief center tel. 02-160-1019 or the Flood Relief Operations Command (FROC) tel. 1111#5. We’re sorry for any inconvenience.

CU would like to invite all members of the public to donate fresh and dried products for flood victims


           Chulalongkorn University would like to invite all members of the public to donate fresh and dried products including rice, seasoning and fresh ingredients for our volunteers to make ready-to-eat meals to be distributed to people in flood-hit areas. Donation can be made at Sala Phra Kiew during weekdays on 8.00 – 17.00 hrs and weekends on 9.00 – 16.00 hrs. For inquiries, please call 085-335-9422.

“CU Spirit to Help Flood Victims” Project


             1. Flood relief measures for flood-affected students and their families
               1.1 Financial aids: The granting will depend upon consideration of the student welfare committee. 
               Contact : The Department of Scholarship and Student Affairs, Office of Student Affairs, 2nd floor of Chula Chakrabongse building, tel. 0-2218-7049 ext. 407
               1.2 Scholarship Category C.
               Contact : the faculty’s student affairs office. Further contact at the faculty’s student affairs office or the Department of Scholarship and Student Affairs, Office of Student Affairs, 2nd floor of Chula Chakrabongse Building, tel. 0-2218-7049 ext. 407
               1.3 Registration  For students in the semester program who already registered for the second semester of the 2011 academic year but are not able to make a payment via banks during 17-24 October 2011 can contact the Office of Registrar on the 2nd floor of Cham Churi 5 building for late payment during the late registration period from 26 October to 17 November 2011. Service hours are 830 – 1200hrs and 1300 – 1500 hrs.
               1.4 Opening date of second semester postponed : 1st postponement to Monday 7 November 2011
                      2nd postponement to Monday 14 November 2011
               1.5 Temporary shelter : CU dormitory (approximate capacity of 200 persons)
               • Contact Khun Prasart at 081-6513783

           2. Flood relief measures for flood-affected personnel and their relatives
           Short-term measures  
               2.1 Emergency loan: an emergency soft loan for CU personnel suffering from natural disasters in 2011 will operate from 1 November 2011 to 31 March 2012. The objective is to provide a financial remedy for flood-affected people to rehabilitate their houses for a maximum of 20,000 baht per person. (no interest charged)
               2.2 Financial aids from CU CO-OP at a maximum of 20,000 baht person. The granting will be considered case by case, for example, 8,000 baht for landlords and 4,000 baht for residents. CU CO-OP members must register in the list of flood-affected CU CO-OP members. For more information, please call 02-2180555 ext. 1101
               2.3 Temporary shelters
                   (1) Chula Nives (49 persons)
                   (2) Cham Churi 9 (420 persons)
                   (3) Accommodation at faculties and institutes
               2.4 Temporary parking   Cham Churi 9 building and parking building near Maha Chakri Sirindhorn building, Cham Churi Square building (parking space is now full)
               2.5 Leave In case of difficulties in commuting, staff can contact their supervisor to take a leave for special cases without being considered as an annual leave.
               2.6 Distribution of survival kits and supplies to CU members in 4 severely flooded areas (Toong Song Hong, Bang Buatong, Bang Kanoon, a relief center at Rangsit University)
               2.7 Arrangement of boat transportation for flood-affected CU members to reach temporary shelters at Cham Churi 9 and accommodation at the university’s faculties (4 trips)
           Long-term Measures
               2.8 Loans for house repairs and restoration a soft loan program for house repairs and restoration during the flood aftermath

           3. Flood relief measures for the public Chulalongkorn University works in coordination with its alumni associations in various provinces as well as state and private agencies to constantly provide aids to people in flood-hit areas through its systematic short-, medium- and long-term plans. 
Short-term plans
               3.1 Set up “Disaster Management Centre” attended by CU academics to brainstorm for flood prevention (at 10.00hr)
               3.2 Set up “Flood Relief Coordination Committee” which operates on a daily basis (including public holidays) from 08.00 – 09.30hrs.
               3.3 Set up “CU Flood Relief Coordination Center” at Sala Phra Kiew
               3.4 CU students arranged charity donation activities to raise donation money for flood victims. (related expenses paid by the University)
               3.5 CU institutes such as Scientific and Technological Research Equipment Centre and the Petroleum and Petrochemical College, distributed food supplies and donated items to people in Ayutthaya and Lopburi provinces
               3.6 Coordinated with CUAA to help flood victims in Saraburi, Ayutthaya, Thammasat University and Bang Bua Thong
               3.7 Visited flood victims in 4 districts in Saraburi provinces: Baan Mor, Don Pud, Nong Don and Sao Hai on 16 October 2011
               3.8 The Faculty of Pharmacy launched the “Num-aey Numjai” (Heartfelt) project to donate 200,000 batches of immersion foot treatment and mosquito repellents to flood-hit people.
               3.9 Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Veterinary Science joined other agencies to visit the flood-hit areas during October - December 2011.
               3.10 Distributing survival kits and ready-to-eat supplies to flood victims at Toong Song Hong, Bang Bua Thong, Bang Kanoon and a flood relief center at Rangsit University
               3.11 Developed Flood Risk Locator program as a public tool to make a self assessment of flood risks. (Press conference was held on Tuesday 25 October 2011)
               3.12 Set up Friends in Need (of “Pa”) Center for Flood Relief Coordination and Donation Distribution at Chulalongkorn University. The project was administered by the Friends in Need (of “Pa”) Volunteers Foundation under the Thai Red Cross Society and  Chulalongkorn University. Aids provided are as follows:
                    • Survival kits to be distributed to flood-affected people in the far reach areas via cars and boats
                    • Freshly cooked food to be distributed to flood victims in relief centers and inundated areas
               3.13 Set up Friends in Need (of “Pa”) Center for Flood Relief Coordination and Donation Distribution at Chulalongkorn University to provide one-stop services for flood victims. (Call Centre: 02-2184454-57)  
               Aids provided include:
                   • An organization structure and persons in charge 
                   • food and water
                   • Health and mental care and screening
                   • Vocational training and recreational activities
                   • Security surveillance 
                   • Sanitation and hygienic care การรักษาความสะอาดและสุขอนามัย
                   • Survey of 5S communities nearby Chulalongkorn University for needs of flood shelters
              3.14 Brainstorming session of CU academics to come up with practical measures to save Bangkok during the dangerous 10 days
              3.15 Pet accommodation (large animals such as crocodiles, elephants and rhinos excluded) are provided at the ground in front of “Dharma Sathan”. Tents, cages and veterinarians are also available. Contactค: Asst. Prof. Dr. Soodsan Siriwaitayapong (tel. 081-9311518)
               3.16 CU Radio Station has rearranged its program schedule to provide useful information about flood prevention to the public.
               3.17 Mobile medical services by the Faculty of Medicine
                    • Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya
                    • Flood relief center in Bang Pa-in
                    • Flood relief center in Saraburi
                    • Lak Hok
           Medium- and long-term plans
           Chulalongkorn University is uniting all efforts through its current students, alumni, lectures and staff to devise an effective and systematic plan for post-flood restoration.

The new schedule of the semester & international programs for the first semester




Starting from


1. Examination dates of the first semester of the 2011 academic year

Original date Monday 28 November 2011
Postponed to Tuesday 13 December 2011

Original date Friday 9 December 2011
Postponed to Friday 23 December 2011

2. The Office of Registrar receive CR57 and CR58 from the faculty’s office of registrar

Original Date Thursday 15 December 2011
Postponed to Thursday 29 December 2011


3. Students contact the registrar office to receive CR60 (grade report)

Original date Wednesday 21 December 2011
Postponed to Wednesday 4 January 2012


           Note   1. Friday 6 January 2012 (Last day of 1st semester of 2011 academic year)
                     2. Monday 9 January 2012 (First day of 2nd semester of 2011 academic year)

CU Closed During 27-31 Oct 11

           Chulalongkorn University will close all operations during 27 – 31 October 2011 following the cabinet resolution to declare 27 – 31 October as official public holidays. However, state officers, university officials and staff whose responsibilities concern flood prevention, as detailed below, shall resume works as usual.
           • State officers or university officials whose level is above Director
           • State officers, university officials and staff whose responsibilities involve flood prevention and aids to flood-affected people at Friends in Need (of “Pa”) Center for Flood Relief Coordination and Donation Distribution at Chulalongkorn University